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型号 MAX8556ETE 品牌 MAX 封装 QFN 批号
说明 正规的MAX厂家的,标准尺寸为5mm*5mm;现在市面上有尺寸是3mm*3mm的,请大家在采购该型号时仔细鉴别一下,这两个尺寸的差距还是很明显的
型号 TDA8012AM 品牌 null 封装 SSOP24 批号 0233+
说明 该型号正规的封装应该是SSOP20,但是最近发现批号为0233+的有SSOP24封装的,所以请广大客户在购买此型号是也要仔细看一下管脚。
型号 DDC101U 品牌 AD 封装 null 批号 0431
说明 一德国客户使用后发现100%失效,下面为TBF(THE BROKER FORUM)请专业人士将来自德国的检测报告翻译的原文,展示给大家,希望大家在购买此型号是慎重些。 10.04.2007 Test report: Burr Brown DDC101U (DATE code 0431) On the motherboard for the unit T/RT120 a transducer DDC101U AD of Burr Brown was set. This transducer is used for this equipmets for the last 12 years and the Design is unchanged since the year 2001. There's an error in the last serie plates manifacturing. The negative Analog supply (- 5V) and the positive Analog supply (+5V) broke down when switching the equipment on. The voltage regulators were both within electricity limits. This error aroused however only with plates, which were equipped with a DDC101U DATE code 0431. Thereupon the plates with the DATE code 0431 were targeted. An error rate of 100% resulted in 34 plates. Therefore is to be assumed that all 134 DDC101U plates with a DATE code 0431 are faulty. Pic.1. function failure DDC101U Pic.2 faulty DDC101U 3 plates with the AD - ransducer DDC101U with another DATE code were replaced on 3 plates. All 3 plates functioned error free. The faulty parts have also the changed layout of the Mfrlogos.